Retail Online Banking
- Free, secure, and easy to use for all Perennial Bank customers
- 24/7 online access with a modern look and feel
- View eStatements
- eStatements are a great alternative to paper statements
- Receive a monthly email telling you when your statements are ready for viewing.
- Arrives faster than paper statements
- Saves paper and better for the environment
- Access past statements with the click of a button
- Reduce paper clutter
- Bill Pay, Transfer Now, and POP money
- Schedule recurring or one time payments
- Send money via check or electronic transfer
- Pay your credit card, mortgage, utility bills, and more!
- Request money from your friends
- View deposit tickets and checks
- Check account activity and balances
- Set up account alerts and receive them via email or text
- Send secure mail to your loan officer
- Password protection and account number masking to protect your information
- Free support from any one of our branches if you have problems logging in
- Accounts Page
- Account Detail
- Transfer Page
- Check Image
- Categorize
- Bill Pay